Saturday, May 28, 2011


I haven't blogged in a long time. Sorry, dear readers. Cause there is SO many of you. I think there are two followers + my parents... so that makes 4. Lovely.

So, let's work backward. Working from the unfamiliar into the familiar. Band director joke.

K. So, today. Tea Party. (the real kind, not the political party kind.) I went with my housemate Sarah, and ripped the pics off her fbook. Everything was lovely. The food-delish. Never have I been somewhere so accommodating of vegans and gluten-free folks. And it all tasted un-vegan and un-gluten free. I wonder about going either one of these options... I'm not as nearly as sick all the tie as I was freshman year, butttt I'm still not healthy. I feel crappy 3 days out of the week, plagued by stomach issues, headaches, and really low energy. I should probably get to a doctor, but they took forever to figure out what was wrong freshman year. And I have a feeling that it wasn't actually gastroparesis. Anyway, that's why I am thinking going vegan. Thoughts?

Yesterday, I met new housemate Sam. So we have a full house this weekend. Everyone is very down-to-earth and chill. We went for a shopping trip to Harris Teeter together. It was cute. I bought tofu.

I also started my first day of work yesterday. Jazz in the Garden is a series that features different jazz groups every Friday at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Building.  I, somehow, the 20-year old, ended up selling the alcoholic beverages. This means big tips. It's amazing what a bat of the eyelash or big smile or the look can do for the tip jar. $20 from one dude who decided that I was Kiddo. I was also Baby, Sweetheart, or Darlin'. There was no, Here's lookin' at you, kid. Unfortunately. Ultimate fantasy.

8pm hit, and BOOM. CRACKLE. DRIP. Can you say rain? hahaha. All these people. I mean it was packed. The other workers said it had never been so busy. There was a line curling around the cafe all night long. So, when the rain came, people booked it, or ran for cover, or cried. All my Indiana friends know, rain is just rain. I love it, actually. Drenched in my yellow, starchy collared shirt. So, we got out three hours early. Could have been worse.

Monday through Thursday at work was rather uninteresting. Slow. I have been told that next week will pick up with the new intern coming in. More to come!


  1. I love the sculpture at Jazz in the Garden. Very nice, and it does looked packed. About going vegan or gluten free, I don't think you should go vegan. Think of all the meat you'll miss out on! Tim couldn't make you (simply awesome) steak or chicken/cheese wraps. Also, I don't know that being vegan is really all that much healthier than being an omnivore. But going gluten free should be very good for you, if difficult to pull off. I'd support you on that!

  2. hmm....maybe you could have a low blood sugar problem or something if you are having those symptoms, that's sometimes the cause, a lot of my friend's have that problem and they are hypoglycemic

  3. This sounds like an awesome experience. Now you know why I wanted to bartend! (p.s. I ended up getting a job at Mad Mex... so much fun!) I agree with Sir Andy about the vegan/gluten-free thing, although I'm sure if you talked to Colin, he would have a completely different opinion (he is vegan). It sounds like you are having a blast, girly, and I am so happy for you.

    p.s. totally jealous that you got to go to an actual tea party! That's so British of you! :P
